Trademark Registration

Registration Trademark Registration

Our Services


Providing expert advice and guidance for your business needs.

Application Preparation

Assisting with the preparation of all necessary documents and applications.

Name Search & Approval

Helping you search for and secure the perfect name for your business.

Application Filing

Filing your applications accurately and efficiently.

Same Day Filing

Offering expedited filing services to meet your urgent needs.

Government Fees

Managing and processing all government fees on your behalf.

Steps to filing a trademark application

Step 1: Conduct trademark search (one day)

On behalf of its clients, LegalRaasta makes sure that they have searched and determined whether a trademark or a brand registration name is available or whether it’s registered under a different class.

Step 2: Create a trademark application (one day)

After we verify that the name or the design you have chosen is available and unique, we will send you an authorization letter that should be signed correctly according to your specifications and must be returned to us. Our lawyers are given permission by these letters to apply for trademarks on your behalf.

Step 3: Trademark application submission takes one day

As soon as we get the authorization letter, you can start using TM sign immediately, provided that all the details are filled in as they should be; this way our lawyers will file trademark registration for you respectively. From our side, you will be assigned a number of the TM application. The trademark application is submitted via the internet or directly at central trademark offices using a lawyer who holds a certificate which allows him/her to register trademarks online only.

Step 4: Register the trademark (this will take 1.5 years)

Once you have submitted your application form, the office will examine it. For example, if your name is deemed to be rude or offensive, then there may be an objection from the government as well; comparing our trademark with another one in the same class may cause problems regarding religious feelings as well. Therefore, in case no objections are raised against it, the trademark registrar shall publish its advertisement in the trademark act journal. If there is no opposition from any side within four months’ time, then a trademark must be registered during the following six months’ period without fail. During this period we inform you about progress made on your application. With respect to such objections additional fee implies himself under his own conditions also.

Step 6: Hearing before Registrar

Concerning your trademark, if the opposition does not ascertain with your response after an object has been filed, then a hearing before the registrar will be held. We hire lawyers at an extra cost who litigate on your behalf in front of the registrar.